Dave Cupery on olnud üks võtmetegijaid Risttee koguduse rajamisel. Lisaks on ta paljude ristteelaste sõber, oma naisele abikaasa ja lastele isa. Ta tuli Eestisse misjonäriks, et teha seda, mida Jumal on tema südamele pannud. Usun, et Risttee kogudus on üheks tema töö viljaks, mis on saanud teoks tänud sellele, et ta lasi ennast Jumalal kasutada oma tööriistana.
Greetings from Wisconsin, where I am stranded about 3 hours north of Jen and the kids because of our first snowstorm of the year. We continue to miss you, life in Estonia, and being a part of Crossroads. We pray for you often and are thankful for chances to read blogs, email, and skype so that we can continue to hear what is happening in Tartu.
In the 3 months we have been back in the US we have driven more that 10,000 KM – mostly sharing with churches about the exciting things that God is doing in Estonia. I do not think I can count the number of different beds I have slept on – we are longing to find out where God will lead us so that we can once again have a home.
At the same time, I have heard about our (Risttee’s) need to find a new home. We can relate on feeling homeless and we are praying (along with more than 150 individuals and a few churches) that God would quickly open up a new place. Each time Going UP and Risttee have changed locations, by choice or out of necessity, it has experienced times of significant new growth. As Jen and I have prayed about this possible move, we have really sensed God’s hand again. I really believe He is doing something very special at Risttee and this is not a roadblock but only an interruption through which He opening new space for spiritually needy people.
We have had to realize that our time without a home this fall is part of our journey in what God wants to do in and through our lives – we are sojourning, walking the adventure God has for us. We think God is taking Risttee and Going UP through a similar adventure. We wish we could be there to share the ride because we are convinced that God has something really exciting on the other side.
23 November 2007
Külalisblogija Dave: Sojourning (again, still)
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