11 July 2007

Face of Horror

Today I got a really good laugh because of what my oldest son Oskar was doing. Oskar just celebrated his second birthday and we had a big party with friends and family and part of the decorations were a bunch of balloons. Oskar loves to play with the balloons and hits them around the room for a good portion of the day. Alex, who is now 8 months old loves to play with the balloons as well, but he doesn't hit them, he rather squeezes them and bites them and pops them quickly. Oskar now tries to keep as many balloons away from Oskar as possible by putting them on the table snad hiding them from Alex. Tonight as we were playing with one of the balloons I noticed Oskar face when ever a balloon would get near Alex, he would open his mouth as loud as possible, almost like he was screaming but no sounds comes out, he also closes his eyes a little. He is absolutely horrified of what Alex is going to do with the balloon. It was amazing to watch this happen over and over, same reaction.

This got me to thinking about how I react to people when they don't do what I want, or they do things differently. How does my face look, or what do my eyes say? After seeing Oskar I am little more aware of it and will try my best to have reactions that seem to fit the situation a little better.