11 January 2008

Külalisblogija Rodney Brown: Leadership…What are you thinking about?

Tänane kirjutada Rodney Brown töötas juhtivas rollis USA ühes kiiremini kasvavas kiirtoitlustusrestoranis Chick-fil-A, kui ta otsustas karjäärivõimalustest loobuda ning minna tööle hoopis äsja rajatud North Pointi kirikusse. Sellest otsusest on nüüdseks möödas 10aastat. Olleks üks kõige esimesi meeskonna liikmeid, on Rodney olnud osa North Pointi kasvamisest üheks USA kõige mõjukamaks ning innovatiivsemaks koguduseks. Praegu töötab Rod North Pointi koguduse misjoniosakonnas Global X, olles Eesti, Rumeenia ning Brasiila partnersuhete juhiks. Samuti on ta North Pointi Buckheadi campuse juhtkonna liige. Rodney on hetkel küll veel vallaline, kuid ta otsib usinalt endale naist.

I have recently discovered something in leadership that has really helped me, or maybe it’s an extension of something I learned years ago in leading people, as well as leading myself. It has to do with my thoughts.

Did you know that the secret conversations you have in your mind are shaping your future? We are constantly thinking about all kinds of things. Are those thoughts positive or negative? I don’t think that any thought is neutral. I remember years ago when I was thousands of miles away from home, running a business for a company in the USA. I would sometimes spend the entire day discouraged because I would be thinking of home, and what I was missing, versus what was right in front of me. I eventually asked God to help. I said “I know that I can’t help what enters my mind but I know it is my choice what I do with the thought once it enters my mind. Please bring the thought to my attention versus letting me have 10 or 15 minutes of negative thought time on it”. God began to bring the thoughts to my attention and I began to throw the thoughts out and focus on the matters at hand. The thoughts would come in and it might be 5 minutes before they were brought to my attention and then 3 minutes and then 30 seconds. That enabled me to be fully present in the situation I was in to lead the people I employed and to set record sales numbers in the business I was leading. This toned my mental muscles and helped me emotionally, relationally spiritually and physically.

Recently I have begun to take this to another level. God states clearly in Philippians 4:8, what we should be thinking about. Paul writes “Finally friends, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are in good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy. Meditate on these things”. Paul reminds us that we have a choice of what we think about. That sounds really good to me. How do you do this?

First, pray for God’s help. There are good thoughts and things to think about and there are bad. Ask God to help bring to your attention the thoughts you are dwelling on and then it is your choice to keep them or kick them out. I say kick out the bad. Get rid of “I can’t “ and I never”. Those thoughts will not encourage you to become the leader you want to be.

Second, focus on the good. Remember you are a new creation in Christ. You are responsible and strong. God has great plans for you and He is trustworthy. You are loved. Focus on your strengths, your blessings, your goals and all the people who love you. Let’s quit highlighting the negative and bring light to the positive.

Third, ask yourself these questions on a regular basis. Maybe as often as every morning and every night. Make a habit of asking these questions.
What are the 5 things I am thankful for right now?
What are 5 of my strengths or positive traits?
What are my 5 best achievements so far?
Who are the 5 people who love me the most?
What 5 things am I looking forward to in the next 7 days?

Each question demands a positive answer. The question leads to a better way of thinking which leads to a better way of living and leading.

“Finally friends, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are in good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy. Meditate on these things”.

To lead others and yourself in a greater way, follow Paul’s advice. Let’s begin to see ourselves the way God sees us. We are His masterpiece!