01 May 2007

Going UP Otsib Superstaari

Not sure what your plans are this Friday night 19.00, but you won't want to miss Going UP's last performance of the year. We will be presenting our latest creation, Going UP Otsib Superstaari. The night will contain video, drama, dance, a special presentation from some friends from Sweden, music from BOB and a challenging talk from Risto Tamm. I am working right now on the Youtube video and will try to put that up as quickly as I get it finished for everyone to forward around.

But this brings me to a quick comment about the point of a Going UP event. In the event we don't present the gospel formally, we don't pray, or sing worship songs. So does this make it bad? Its always a tough thing to hear from people that judge Going UP and say its too worldly, or that its not Christian enough. I take these comments very personally because this event has been part of the last 5 years of my life. I have seen thousands of young people come through the doors for many different locations and leave with a challenge to their lives. The best part is seeing so many young people at Risttee, Salem and other churches who otherwise would have never heard about God without Going UP and other events like it, such as English Camp. Sometimes, I get the feeling from our critics that we aren't doing our part to make Christians, and to be honest, thats fine with me because I can't make a Christian anyway, only God can. Or maybe we are Christianizing things enough for their taste. With so many people at Going UP some would Christianize people, or rather convert them to churchianity (its not a personal relationship wtih Jesus, but we want them there on Sunday mainly). This is the system we are more familiar with the most comfortable.

But is that what its all about? God and Christ call us to a life, a life to the fullest! When I am at Going UP, watching the students perfrom and practice, when I see the young people running lights, cameras and sound equipment, when I watch the faces of the students light up or cheer and sit perfectly still as God speaks through the speaker that night, I see life being lived to the fullest.

So this weekend, come get a taste of life to the fullest, 19.00 4th of May, Vaneumuine concert hall.